IM’s annual ore sorting feature with MineSense’s President and CEO Jeff More
March 12, 2022
Teck’s Carmen de Andacollo goes live with MineSense shovel-based ore sorting system
April 14, 2022ShovelSense-Enabled Truck Diversions Warrants Further Expansion at Teck CDA
Real-time high quality grade data collected in every bucket delivers results
April 14, Vancouver 2022 — Following a successful trial, ShovelSense is now diverting trucks in real-time and is providing Ore Control at the face for Teck Carmen de Andacollo (CDA) mine in Chile. The implementation of an additional ShovelSense system at CDA is now also underway. CDA is Teck Resource’s second mining operation using ShovelSense, following commercialization in 2019 at Highland Valley Copper (HVC) in British Columbia, Canada.
“The ShovelSense results are spectacular!” said Victor Araya, Teck Superintendent Geology, referring to the outstanding results of the trial recently completed. All new technology introduced into the mine is rigorously tested at different stages of evaluation at scale to ensure the system works reliably in the field. ShovelSense exceeded 1-digit accuracy (single-digit relative error) measuring copper ore and met and exceeded expectations for all criteria in the trial: system availability; accuracy to blast hole data; and precision in the field
Teck CDA also recently celebrated the diversion of 7 ore from waste trucks which are the first of many that ShovelSense data will automatically divert to maximize ore recovery and minimize the needless transportation and processing of waste. “We have now incorporated ShovelSense to decide the destination of the materials, not at the block scale but truck to truck, due to the reading of grades on each shelf of the loading equipment… the end result is increased ore to mill tonnage and also a significant improvement in feed grade, “Araya concluded.
“We are proud that Teck has chosen to partner with MineSense again, demonstrating confidence that ShovelSense is a proven and valued technology”, said Claudio Toro, EVP Business Development. “Global mining operations are continually seeking new ways to get more value out of their mines and extend the life of mine and we are pleased to again be chosen by Teck. ShovelSense is a proven solution that unlocks a mine’s full potential,” he added.
About Teck:
As one of Canada’s leading mining companies, Teck is committed to responsible mining and mineral development with major business units focused on copper, zinc, and steelmaking coal, as well as investments in energy assets. Copper, zinc and high-quality steelmaking coal are required for the transition to a low-carbon world. Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, Teck’s shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbols TECK.A and TECK.B and the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TECK. Learn more about Teck at www.teck.com or follow @TeckResources.
About MineSense Technologies Ltd.
MineSense is a pioneer in digital mining solutions, supplying real-time, sensor- based ore sorting for mines. Our signature solution is ShovelSense, a robust sensor installed on mining equipment to scan and measure the grade of the material in every shovel and bucket. The increased real-time visibility of your orebody provided by ShovelSense drives improvements in your mine’s efficiency, profitability and sustainability.
Visit www.minesense.com for more information.
Media contact: Dan Poh, dpoh@minesense.com