The Power of Ore Data Visibility at mine’s extraction face
Our ShovelSense system provides valuable, higher resolution data than regular mine production block models by measuring grade at the bucket scale, rather than the block scale.
Real-time access to higher-resolution information earlier in the mining process allows for informed decisions about directing material based on grade to the mill, stockpile or waste. Timely re-routing of mined material means no production delays or additional hauling requirements.
- Only location to extract valuable ore from designated waste
- Significantly increased capability to navigate accurately around complex geological contact zones
- Allows closer tracking and planning of mill feed characteristics for mill recovery optimization
- Enables more accurate long-term mine planning and reconciliation
- Fully integrated with the Fleet Management Systems (FMS) for automatic decision-making with no disruption to existing operations
- Improved visibility and designation capabilities in handling stockpiles

SHOVELSENSE - Smart Shovel
MineSense partnered with Teck Resources for the first full-scale trial of the bucket-mounted ShovelSense technology at the Highland Valley Copper mine in British Columbia with commercialization commencing in 2019.
Following this successful deployment, ShovelSense has been deployed in a growing list of global mining operations, including some of the world's largest copper mines in Latin America.
Video by Teck Resources,
Video by Teck Resources,
Copper's King - Tomorrow's World Today
Learn how one of the world's biggest copper producers, Teck, is transforming mining and empowering employees through its acclaimed Race 21™ business transformation program, which embraces new digital technologies that make mining safer, more productive, and more sustainable.
Tomorrow's World Today features Greg Constantino's in-depth look at the ore tracking system at Teck's Highland Valley Copper mining operation. The largest open-pit copper mine in Canada is located near Logan Lake, British Columbia. The ore tracking system leverages real-time data, machine learning, and AI to optimize production at HVC.
Creating new ore body knowledge at the face
ShovelSense uses a set of robust high-speed x-ray fluorescence (XRF) sensors installed on mobile mining machinery.
ShovelSense scans the mineral content of the bucket to assess the grade of the material within the shovels dig cycle. The location is then digitally provided directly to the FMS software to direct the haul truck, with no operator intervention required.
ShovelSense reads dynamically as the bucket is filling. Our rapid data software processes the primary data using machine learning algorithms developed for that ore body. This information is combined – in complete real-time - to provide grade and material classification. The primary data is a robust spectrum that provides a wealth of information on the ore being measured. This includes all base metals of interest as well as deleterious elements.
Valuable data collected by ShovelSense can also be used to map orebodies at much higher resolution. A first-of-its-kind capability that provides a dramatic new level of visibility to mine operations.