Teck’s Carmen de Andacollo goes live with MineSense shovel-based ore sorting system
April 14, 2022How to Make the Most of Your Orebody
July 21, 2022The system, unique in the world, consists of sensors that are installed on the loading shovel, analyze the rock in real time and send the data for the development of readings with optimum precision.
Detecting and classifying minerals in real time and with unsurpassed precision facilitates an artificial intelligence solution created by the Canadian company MineSense Technologies and which seeks to contribute to Digital Mining.
It is a revolutionary system made up of sensors that are placed on the loading shovel, and that withstand extreme physical, climatic and geographical conditions; along with modern software that collects and sends data, and analyzes the information.
“Our solution provides mining with significant economic benefits, derived from the increase in the head grade, the decrease in the use of mineral processing inputs such as energy, water and chemical products, and greater operational efficiency” says Jeff More, CEO of MineSense Technologies.