MineSense Digital Platform
Our cloud-hosted data/digital platform provides the foundation for services. It enables “field to cloud” data ingestion, automated processing, and storage of both structured and unstructured data, and provides a data-rich platform for machine learning and geostatistics.
Key Benefits Include:
Provides foundational digital infrastructure for data collection, integration, analysis, and reporting
Enables comprehensive data analysis, machine learning, and system monitoring
Facilitates collection of real-time ore body knowledge for immediate ore-sorting decisions, as well as data aggregation over time across all systems on site for trend analysis, mine plan optimization, and reconciliations.
Client Benefits:
All historic ShovelSense data is carefully managed and securely stored for your ongoing access and analysis
Your data is encrypted, backed up regularly, and protected by strictly enforced Data Governance policies
MineSense clients do not have to worry about managing the vast amounts of high-resolution data generated by ShovelSense