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<strong>At the Extraction Face;</strong></p> <p>ShovelSense’s real-time data is used to route trucks by characterizing ore from waste and waste from ore. In aggregate this data provides new orebody knowledge that improves short-term mine planning and reconciliation. The applications of these use cases include identification of veins, islands, and geological contrast zones as well, as secondary payable metals and deleterious elements to identifying ore and waste considering blast movement, spacing, and lack of samples. The value derived is reduced ore losses and ore dilution.
<b>Key Routing Decisions at the Extraction Face Reduce Ore Loss</b></p> <p>The ShovelSense System enables key routing decisions through the precise definition of ore grade and characteristics of recoverable metals, waste, and deleterious elements in real-time at the mine face. The ShovelSense systems create visibility of ore in the smallest mineable unit, the bucket of each shovel at the mine face. This data enables this ore to be routed via FMS integration to ore stockpiles instead of being sent to the waste pile. The outcome is optimized ore recovery from the ore body, using existing infrastructure that enables improved performance and recovery from downstream operations as well as measurable sustainability and ESG performance.
<b>Key Routing Decisions at the Extraction Face Reduce Ore Dilution</b></p> <p>The ShovelSense System enables key routing decisions through the precise definition of ore grade and characteristics of recoverable metals, waste, and deleterious elements in real-time at the mine face. The ShovelSense system creates visibility of waste in the smallest mineable unit, the bucket of each shovel at the mine face. This data enables dilution waste to be routed via FMS integration to waste instead of being sent the ore stockpiles. The outcome is reduced dilution in ore feeding downstream processing, improving ore recovery from the ore body, through the use of existing infrastructure. Reducing dilution enables improved performance and recovery from downstream operations, as well as measurable sustainability and ESG performance.
<strong>The ShovelSense System facilitates</strong> ;</p> <p>A mine’s operational objectives by providing detailed ore characteristics and classification at the mine face, optimizing downstream benefits. With visibility into the ore body early on, operations are better able to plan and schedule when and where to mine, with data that improve downstream performance, recovery, control, and operations. When MineSense’s high-resolution of data (i.e. grade for each bucket position), is analyzed in aggregate over time, it identifies trends that may not be evident from data used to build the geological models. Combining bucket/dig position data with ShovelSense grade estimates optimizes short and long-term mine planning.
<b>ShovelSense Enables Ore Body Reconciliation with At the Face and Stockpile Ore Characterization Data</b></p> <p>The ShovelSense System provides essential grade quality for recoverable metals and ore characterization data that mine operators can use to calculate the mine’s ability to recover tonnage, grade, and metal content that is estimated in ore reserves.